Sarah Edwards and Daniel Williams

August 23, 2014

Our Stories...

Daniel Says...

Well if you’ve already read Sarah’s story, you have a pretty good idea of how we met.

Like Sarah said, it was the end of the spring semester and everyone was in exam mode.  I am in the Anthropology program at NYU and the pressure was getting to me.  Some friends and I decided to break for a while and head out for something to eat.

When we arrived at the restaurant I noticed Sarah and her friends right away.  It was Sarah’s smile that caught my attention.  She has such a warm smile.  I couldn’t keep my eyes off her.

Shortly after we arrived we noticed that Sarah and her friends were getting ready to leave.  Before that day I never believed in love at first sight.  I mean, come on, how many guys do?  This was different...I knew I couldn’t just watch her walk out of that restaurant without trying to get to know her.  

We decided to send some drinks to the ladies before they left, hoping that it would break the ice.  It worked and we joined the ladies at their table.  The seats next to Sarah were already occupied and I wound up at the far end of the table, what felt like miles away from Sarah.  I’m not typically a shy guy but I was completely mesmerized by her and found myself unable to find the nerve to make a move.

It got late, Sarah and her friends left, and I was left feeling like a dolt.  Mike had been  sitting next to Sarah so I asked him what he knew about her.  He knew her name, that she went to NYU and what program she was in.  That was all I needed. 

I had an exam a couple of days later and knew that Sarah did as well.  I decided I had to make my move and surprised her outside her exam room.  We talked for a bit and found that we actually had a lot in common.  I knew I wanted to get to know her better, so I asked her out to a movie for that night.  Why wait?  She accepted and we had a great time. 

A year later I proposed to Sarah in Bryant Park and she made me the happiest guy in the world when she said Yes!